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I am interested in History and Geography since I was a little child. I started to draw maps at the age of 6. My first maps were about my home country; Hungary. On Instagram, I used to follow many mapping accounts and I realized that there is no active Hungarian mapper. On 17 March 2020, I decided to start my own account and I named it "hunmapper". When I started, I already had dozens of maps that I drew in the past years. I started to post twice everyday and the page grew very fastly.

One of the maps I made, about the Battle of Muhi 1241 (part of the Mongol invasion of Hungary).

The reason why I decided to create this map is that the battle took place only 20 kilometers away from my city, Miskolc. 


In less than 6 months, already 10,000 people were following hunmapper. I was very surprised that my maps reached so many people. At this time, my posts were usually alternative maps and historical maps. I created a lot of maps about Hungarian history because - sorry fully - there are only a few maps available about Hungarian history in English. 

As school restarted in September I had significantly less time, so I reduced the number of posts, and since then I post once a day. For a very long time, I only used Microsoft Paint but in 2021 I changed to and Since then the quality of my posts further improved. 

I decided to create a website because on Instagram I could not share long articles about historical topics and also Instagram reduces the quality of many of my maps.


I hope I can provide interesting historical facts, wonderful maps, and useful knowledge. Thank you for visiting my page.

Best regards,


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